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BOS Minutes August 8, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 9 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery Selectman Colbert, and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM

SUBJECT:  Emergency Management Director

HIGHLIGHTS: Mr. John Martell had nothing to report.

SUBJECT:  Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chief Mike Paveglio reported that Ambulance 1 was back from the Manufacturer.  The ambulance needed some warrantee paint work done and there was no charge for this service.  

Chief Paveglio stated that he has scheduled a meeting with a representative from North Country Resource Consumer and Development they are a non-profit organization that plan fire protection water sources.  The purpose of this meeting is to start the ball rolling for rural fire department water source planning in Chichester.  The company will provide Chief Paveglio with water source planning maps and possibly construction designs at no charge.  Chief Paveglio stated that he would like come up with a rural water source development plan for Chichester as well as create an annual budget line item to support development of new and maintain existing water sources.  Chairman DeBold asked Chief Paveglio if the water source in Chichester was inadequate.  Chief Paveglio told him it was in many areas of town.  Chief Paveglio was not sure if this request for funding should be a budget line item or a warrant article.  Chief Paveglio asked if the Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally could provide the labor for maintaining and constructing water sources.  Selectman Colbert said he thought it would be alright, however, he should consider not only material costs but costs for fuel and time.  Mr. Kenneally was advised a few weeks ago to include in his line budget, a line for work that he does for town departments or the school.

Chief Paveglio asked about the budget process for this year.  He asked that the schedule be elaborated and a calendar given to each department clearly defining the process.  Mr. Kenneally said that last year at the public hearing the departments could not plead their case.  Mr. Kenneally said that the moderator, Mr. Doug Hall said that the public hearing was not to deliberate the line items.  He thinks that you should be able to plead your case at the public hearing.  Selectman Colbert said he agreed. Mr. Kenneally thought that if the Selectmen and Budget Committee reduced a line item, that they should have a clear reason as to why the line is being cut.  He also said he would like the opportunity to meet with the Budget Committee and the Board of Selectmen a second time to go over the budget. Chairman DeBold said that the Board of Selectmen would sit down with Patty and create a schedule. Chief Paveglio suggested a joint meeting with the Department Heads, Board of Selectman and Town Moderator would also help clearly define the public budget hearing process.
SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chief Patrick Clarke reported that the State no longer has the man power to patrol rural areas.  He said the State Police consider towns whose population was 2500 or more to have its own full-time police force.  He said currently the State Police are patrolling Bradford and Wilmont area. He was contemplating having 24 hour coverage.  Selectman Colbert asked Chief Clarke if he though there was a need to have 24 hour coverage.  Chief Clarke answered in the affirmative.  He said since the State Police do not have the man power to cover rural areas that it was not right to have officers from surrounding towns come to Chichester to answer a disturbance.  He said that if another full-time officer was hired, that person would be a proactive officer.  Chief Clarke said that the shifts would have about a two hour overlap.  Selectman Colbert said he would like to see more patrolling on the Town roads.  

Chief Clarke said he received a letter from an inmate from Concord Correctional Facility.  In the letter the inmate said he wanted to come clean and make restitution.  In the letter the inmate stated that about 10 years ago he broke into the snack bar at Carpenter’s Park and stole candy and soda.  He said that he had damaged some equipment. Chief Clarke said he would do some research and see if they a police report on the incident.

SUBJECT: Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Building Inspector, Mr. Dave Paveglio had nothing to report.  Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Paveglio about getting a permit for a farmer’s porch that he would like to put on the house he is restoring.  He said he removed the porch that was there, he said the porch was very close to the roadway.  He said the new porch will be at least two feet back from where the original porch was.  Mr. Paveglio said he would have to deny Selectman Colbert the permit, because the zoning states that a building or structure must be at least thirty feet from the road.  Mr. Paveglio said after he was denied he could go the Board of Adjustment for a variance consideration.  Selectman MacCleery told Selectman Colbert that he had to fill out the application with a $50.00 filing fee and money for sending registered letters to each abutter.

SUBJECT: Highway Department

HIGHLIGHTS:   The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally said that he got a new price for shimming and paving two roads, Depot Road and Cross Road.  The price is $52.00 per ton.  He said when he contacted Brachs about reducing the roads from three to two that the price went up $12.50.  The reason for the price increase was to due to the fact there would be less tar.

Mr. Kenneally stated that he had gotten a price for guardrail for Kelley’s Corner Road from a company in Andover the cost is $750.00.  He said that he would be picking up the guardrail this week.

Mr. Kenneally advised the Selectmen that both of the trucks had been recalled for various reasons.  He said he was going to drop off the trucks at the dealer’s on Wednesday.

Mr. Kenneally said he has been working on Hilliard Road.  He was moving the road over slightly to get the road off of Mr. Duford’s property.  He said Mr. Duford was very pleased with the progress on Hilliard Road

Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Kenneally if he had been in touch with Mr. Pullen on Connemara Drive.  Mr. Pullen sent an e-mail to the Selectmen’s office. In his e-mail he had asked when the problem of washouts on Connemara Drive was going to be taken care of.  Mr. Pullen also said that the culvert was full of dirt and rocks and effective water displacement has been reduced.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he was going to get in touch with Mr. Pullen and schedule an appointment when they could meet.  

Selectman Colbert made a suggestion to Mr. Kenneally regarding roadside mowing.  Selectman Colbert said if Mr. Stevens has any questions or is told/asked to do something for a resident that Mr. Stevens should not take it upon himself to make a decision and that Mr. Stevens should speak to Mr. Kenneally and let Mr. Kenneally make the decision.

SUBJECT:  Mr. Allen Mayville

HIGHLIGHTS:  On August 3, 2005 Mr. Allen Mayville, (on behalf of his mother, Mrs. Virginia Mayville) met with the Board of Adjustments to discuss the horse manure pile that is located 100 feet from Mrs. Mayville’s front door and is visible from the driveway and front yard and is against the Mayville’s stonewall.  Mr. Mayville stated in accordance with the Town’s  zoning specifically Article III Section H Obnoxious Use, that the horse manure is an obnoxious use.  After much discussion (please see Board of Adjustment Minutes 8/3/05 for details) the Board of Adjustment voted 4-1 in favor of Mr. Mayville.

Mr. Mayville met with the Selectmen to ask them to take immediate action against the Stocks.  Mr.  Mayville asked that the Selectmen send a letter to the Stocks and tell them to immediately stop adding more manure to the current pile and to start a pile somewhere else where it will not be seen by the Mayvilles; and to remove the current horse manure pile.

Following considerable discussion to act on the decision made by the Board of Adjustments.  Chairman DeBold made a Motion:  To send a correspondence to the Stocks advising the Stocks that the pile of horse manure located on their property is considered an obnoxious use and they must immediately stop adding manure to the current pile and remove the current pile immediately.  Selectman Colbert seconded the Motion; but added an amendment.  Selectman Colbert said to give the Stocks 30 days to remove the current horse manure pile.  Chairman DeBold seconded the amendment.  The Motion before the Board is: To send a letter to the Stocks advising the Stocks that the pile of horse manure is considered an obnoxious use and they must immediately stop adding manure to the current pile and have 30 days to remove the current pile.  Chairman DeBold called for a vote:  Chairman DeBold and Selectman Colbert were in favor of the Motion.  Selectman MacCleery was not in favor of the Motion, because he called the State of New Hampshire Department of Agriculture and spoke with Richard Uncles about this matter and he questioned if the Board of Adjustment has made an illegal vote.    Motion carries and Patty will send a letter to the Stocks.

SUBJECT: Mr. & Mrs. Fuat Ari

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. & Mrs. Ari met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss moving Hilliard Road.  Mr. Ari said that the construction on Hilliard Road put the road in the wrong place.  As the road is, Mr. Ari could not sub-divide his lot because he has no road frontage.  He said that the road was never surveyed and asked the Selectmen if the road could be surveyed.  Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Ari what was the purpose of having the road surveyed and moved.  Mr. Ari replied that Mr. Larry Bellemare has a buildable lot but no road frontage.  Selectman Colbert said that Mr. Bellemare would have to come to the Board.  He also told Mr. Ari that money is very limited and the work could not be done at this time.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed a letter from Evelyn Pike, Town Clerk regarding Hillcrest Campground.  In the letter she asked the Selectmen if they considered the Campground to a year round residence.  They said that they would have to review the site review and that Chairman DeBold will call DES for a definition on recreational camp sites.  

Selectman Colbert told the Board that he went to Phillips Auto on Route 4 to do some telephone work.  He said while he was there, the owner showed him a letter that was written by Patty Wooster regarding light glare on Route 4.  He told Selectman Colbert that he had called Unitil and they re-directed the lights.

A list of duties for the cleaning person was reviewed.  Selectman MacCleery made a Motion:  To accept the list of duties for the cleaning person.  Selectman Colbert seconded the Motion.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.

An Intent to Excavate was reviewed.  The Selectmen were not sure why the Town was given this document to sign.  Patty will call the Department of Revenue and get information regarding this document.

Patty informed the Board of Selectmen that Davis Fuel has rejected the agreement to supply fuel and general maintenance for the Town.  It was decided that the bids would go out again, but this time the bids will not include maintenance.  Also, the amount of gallons of fuel used last year was included in this bid.  The gallons of oil used last year were not included in the original bid.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from August 2, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert